Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thinking of using S-Drol I am 16?

i really want to put some muslce on me i was a regular contained by the weight room lifting 3 days a week and i didnt see much results and if i dont steal S-Drol im thinking of Creatine Monohydrate any opinionsThinking of using S-Drol I am 16?
at 16 years antiquated you can do nothing except possible crumple your endocrine system or cause injury when using such compounds.
your body is producing more than adequate test for fast growth. if you aren't gaining as efficient as you think you should be the problem lies contained by your diet and training. it takes roughly 10 years of non-stop training before you would "need" to use anything that disrupts the endocrine system similar to S-Drol
what the hell is S-Drol?...okay nevermind...I looked it up...The easiest way to put it is this...Your Too Young! You own been working out for what? 2-3 years regularly. That is not plenty time to decide that you entail a chemical supplement like that. At your age...the furthest I would suggest going would be a Creatine/No supplement like SuperPump 250 or Trac No. I know like mad of guys that tood Andro and stuff like that contained by HighSchool and it made no difference. You should only turn to these types of things when you hold 5-7 years under your belt and own belt a good aspect foundation.

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