Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Treadmill vs. Elliptical?

Recently found diabetes runs in kith and kin, father diagnosed 1yr ago. Past 4yrs I've gained 30lbs & presently made up mind to lose it. Past 1yr I've drastically changed my diet. I buy local & organic produce as much as possible. Don't fry foods, chomp through plenty fruits, vegetables, whole grain (flax, steel oats, quinoa, etc). Haven't omitted but do limit bread, dessert, rice, sugar intake. Eat mostly seafood, poultry, 2 /3 times/month red meat. Drink wet & green/coca tea (plain). Don't drink soda, rarely liquid. 2wks ago started walking home from work (3miles,1hr30m) Was going to gym but really dislike classes & tired of waiting 4 machines 2 become available. I enjoy treadmill & egg-shaped machine but not sure what's accurate 4 my body type. I'm latina & have larger lower body & smaller upper body-pear shape. Considering equipment to buy @ home (small NYC apartment). Elliptical or folding treadmill? I want to lose freight but Lord knows that I DONT want to get my lower body larger (muscle wise). Help?!Treadmill vs. Elliptical?
Cardio such as a treadmill or elliptical will not kind your leg muscles bigger. They may tone and define but not expand. That is achieved from weights. Ellipticals are better for your joint.
It sounds like you are doing everything right. So hold patience and pious luck to you!

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