Wednesday, November 30, 2011


does anyone have any pro-ana websites i could call round?? any ideas around thinsperation or dieting?Thinsperation?
F-ck pro-ana
Jesus, grow up girl, why the hell would you want to be like that?
Hardcore bones? Sick man sick.
Exercise and chomp through healthy
the best style to diet is to eat hygienic.
Its not worth it..I can tell you that straight up..I've be bulimic for 3 1/2 years, it sucks sooo much. You may think it's worth it in a minute but in the back its REALLY not..Lose weight the full-bodied way
within is esu or something its a fake university
You don't obligation "thinsperation", it won't help at adjectives. It will just put together you feel doomed to failure about yourself, cause you to eat more. A study showed that adolecent girls if truth be told ate MORE after viewing pictures of beautiful tough women (causeing them to feel unpromising about themslelves) next those who did not. Instead, join a forum more or less HEALTHY weight loss and bring back educated in the region of how many calories you entail to consume and how much excersize you need to lose substance. Read inspiring magazines approaching Shape and Fitness, which will encourage fairly than discourage you to keep going.

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