Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Um ... facilitate?

um do we have 2 nick a shower in large skool cusz i dnt want 2 see guys naked and stuff u kno so recount from experince plzUm ... facilitate?
In my high conservatory, if you have PE, you don't enjoy to take a shower. No one does. If you're on a sports troop, you can take a shower, but just about 25% of the guys do. I reflect on the other 75% just wanna see the 25%'s penis, lol. =P
contained by high academy..?...hhhmm...i dont thik they have a place for u to filch it...we dont have it at my arts i dont no.but i dont thik u dont have to nick it if u dont want to..unless u wants to be stink if u sweat alots from playing sport.
It depends on if they engineer you or not at your school. At my university it's optional, but not a soul does it. At others though it's required. So ask around the older kids to see if you hold to or not. If you do, just don't deduce about it, cart a quick shower, and achieve done with it. I can know where you're coming from.

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